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DIY Pattern Popart Bag
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This pop art-bag is made by one of the men of our team. A great guy with unexpected fashion sense as this bag looks super cool! Match the bag with a few bright colors, some sexy heels and your outfit is totally in style. The technique applied is simply weaving.
What you need:
Plastic canvas grid size about 56/58 cm by 30/32 cm. with about 1 cm by 1 cm openings. We used plain white plastic mesh grid from the local garden centre, but any colour will do.
1 pair of RE017 rectangular handles
Half a bobbin RibbonXL Black Night
Half a bobbin RibbonXL Pearl White
1 pair of MA135 Bora Bag Sides
XL Zpagetti sewing needle
1,5 meters of Eco Barbante (we used black)
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Product Details
SKU: | 23006 |
Product SKU: | 23006 |
Composition | Downloadable |
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